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How to solve the problem of yellowing lawn?

How to solve the problem of yellowing lawn?

Is your lawn looking yellow in spots even though you water diligently? Yellowing of the lawn can be caused by these reasons. First of all, your lawn could be infected by disease. The lawn may exhibit localized yellowing, appearing orange-yellow from a distance. Sometimes, large patches of the lawn may have yellow spots in different areas. Upon closer inspection, you may notice distinct spots or a transition from yellow to green on the leaf edges. 

Secondly, yellowing due to pet waste or fertilizer burn. The surrounding green lawn suddenly has a patch in the middle that appears dry and yellow. 

Thirdly, water deficiency and drought. The grass gradually shrinks from its original state, changing color from lush green to orange-yellow and eventually turning golden yellow. The soil underneath the lawn may also become hard and difficult to penetrate. 

Here are some tips for lawn maintenance in order to have a lush green lawn like a carpet! 😍😍 

1. Regular mowing and dethatching. This helps promote grass growth and gives the lawn a thick, green appearance. Remember not to cut more than one-third of the grass height each time. After mowing, it is important to dethatch to remove accumulated dead grass. This prevents the buildup of thatch that can hinder air circulation and increase the likelihood of lawn diseases. 

2. Aerate and loosen the soil. Over time, the lawn can become compacted and hard. To address this, you need to aerate the lawn by creating holes in the soil. This allows better water, nutrient, and air flow into the soil, and promotes deeper root growth. Healthy root growth leads to a denser and greener lawn. 

3. Proper watering. The lawn does not need to be watered daily. Initially, when the lawn is newly planted, frequent watering is required to promote rapid growth. For regular maintenance, watering about three times a week is sufficient, but adjust accordingly if the weather is particularly hot. The key is to ensure thorough watering each time, ensuring the soil is moist to a depth of about 15cm. 

4. Apply organic fertilizer for safe and long-lasting effects. Choose a high-nitrogen organic fertilizer such as Mr Ganick Lawn Fertilizer and apply it approximately every two months. Apply the fertilizer in moderate amounts to avoid excessive growth and the promotion of weed growth. Organic fertilizers are gentle, safe, and help prevent fertilizer burn issues. 

General usage instruction: 

[Usage 1] Apply once every 1-2 months depending on the weather (Reapply when granule almost fully break down).

[Usage 2] Spread on the lawn grass evenly, and water the lawn regularly for better nutrient release. 

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