Baba Smart Grow Seed: VE-004 Chinese Chives
Item Code: VE-004
Product Description: Chinese Chives
Quantity : +/- 2 gm
Maturity: 70 days
Seed Sowing Guide
1️⃣Chinese Chives takes longer time to germinate compared with other leafy vegetables, it takes around 10-14 days to germinate.
2️⃣Fill up the seedling tray or seedling pots with Baba Seedling Soil. Use a finger gently make a small hole, put in 6-10 seeds, and cover with a thin layer of soil.
3️⃣Before putting in the seed, water the seedling soil and make sure it is 100% moist. During the seedling stage, put under a shaded area and make sure to water thoroughly daily. When there is a sprout, then move it to the area with direct sunlight.
1️⃣After around 30 days or when the seedling grows up to around 10cm, the seedling is ready to transplant.
2️⃣Ready a suitable size pot. Such as Yasa-I tray, Baba 528 Planter box, Baba 509 Planter box (Minimum depth is 12cm).
3️⃣Fill up the planting pot with Yasa-I Soil, and make holes to prepare for transplant. Each holes maintain 10-15cm (or a palm size) distance. Before put in seedling, water the soil to make it 100% moist.
4️⃣Take out the bunch of seedling from seedling pots, and put into the hole. Press gently on surrounding soil, to make the seedling stay firm.
1️⃣Put Mr. Ganick 532 Organic Leafy Fertilizer on 7th days after transplant. After that, repeat fertilizing on every week.
2️⃣Draw a line between vegetables, or dig a small hole beside vegetables, and put in Mr. Ganick 532 Leafy organic leafy fertilizer, cover the fertilizer with a thin layer of soil. Water after done fertilizing.
💧Moist is important for Chinese chives. Make sure the soil is always enough moist and water it when needed.
💧Water thoroughly on every morning is recommended.
Harvest Tips:
🥬Chinese chives are ready to harvest when it grow up to 30cm height or 45 days from transplanting date. When harvesting, maintain 2-3cm of Chinese chives, and cut it. If the weather nice and nutrient is enough, could enjoy harvest on every 30-45 days.