Each of us only need to reduce 175kg CO2e / year
In order to make sure global temperatures stay under control within 2℃, every one of us, is encouraged to take little steps towards reducing carbon footprint by 175kg CO2e/ year to achieve the goal of contributing to a total of 2 gigatons CO2e reduction globally.
In Malaysia, we also aim to reduce the intensity of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission across the economy by 45% based on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2030 (1).
We believe that making small adjustments can lead to big results and save our Mother Earth. Let’s do it together to protect our family, protect our Earth!

How do greenhouse gases affect us?
These greenhouse gases will trap heat in the atmosphere, contributing to rising global temperatures, extreme weather events, rising ocean levels, and acidification. To avoid unexpected future catastrophe, we will need to prevent another 2oC rise in global temperatures by year 2050, or we will face:

How can you contribute to reduction of greenhouse gas emissions?
There are multiple ways to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, as well as reducing carbon footprint (3). For examples:

How do Baba & Mr. Ganick products reduce carbon footprint?

Plastic waste landfill will only lead to existence of fragmented microplastics in the environment and marine plastic pollution, whereas incineration of plastics releases a cocktail of poisonous chemicals that damage the health of the planet and people. Black carbon is one such serious pollutant – it has a global warming potential up to 5,000 times greater than carbon dioxide (4).
As Baba produces a full range of 100% landfill-biodegradable flower pots, the pots can be thrown in landfill without impacting marine and soil environment, instead of being incinerated. These flower pots can also be recycled together with other plastic materials. Therefore, by using Baba landfill bio-degradable flower pots, you help to reduce 13kg CO2e per kg plastic by recycling and avoiding incineration.

Organic fertilizers are usually made from natural plant sources and rock minerals, and post-application of organic fertilizers usually won’t emit excessive amounts of GHGs, as much of them remain inside the soil and are slowly broken down by microbes. According to studies, 1kg of organic fertilizer will help to reduce around 1kg of CO2e emissions, through reduced production and post-application of chemical fertilizers.

Due to greater worldwide demand on organic pesticides and technological advancement, , more and more organic pesticides can become more effective towards specific target pests, without affecting human health and killing beneficial insects. According to research, organic pesticides can reduce the negative risks by an estimated 90% towards human, pollinators and aquatic animals, and an estimated 73% towards soil animals (such as earthworms).
For every 1kg of organic pesticides, you are helping to reduce 3kg of CO2e emissions through reduced synthetic process and waste treatment processes (6).

Attached below are Baba organic potting mix analysis reports:

*Remark: According to National Wildlife Federation research, every household would reduce average 22.4kg of CO2e per year if they plant a young shaded tree in their community. Every litre of soil used to plant a young shaded tree contributes towards the calculation (7).
Let's start to reduce carbon footprint!
2. https://www.nature.org/en-us/get-involved/how-to-help/carbon-footprint-calculator/
3. https://www.futurelearn.com/info/blog/how-to-reduce-your-carbon-footprint-tips
4. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/01/plastic-pollution-climate-change-solution/
5. https://homeguides.sfgate.com/effects-synthetic-fertilizers-45466.html
6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2984095/pdf/ITX-2-001.pdf