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[PRE-ORDER] Farmer Pack- Mr Ganick Durian Canker Solution Set

Retail Price:
Original price RM0
Original price RM321.95 - Original price RM321.95
Original price
Current price RM321.95
RM321.95 - RM321.95
Current price RM321.95
Member Price: RM305.85 RM305.85

**产品适用于专业农民和传统农业。对于居家种植,请按照说明谨慎使用并具备足够的专业知识。 The product is intended to be use for professional farmers and conventional farming. For  household users, please use according to instructions with cautious and adequate expertise.

⚠️下单前请注意:Before placing an order, please note that:

- 【预购】产品将在7-14个工作日内发货。[PRE-ORDER] Products will be shipped out within 7-14 working days. 

- 【东马订单】请联系小编以获取特别运费。[For East Malaysia order] Please contact customer service for special shipping rate.

🛒配套包含:Package includes:

Mr Ganick BST Bacillus Subtilis Trichoderma (600g) x1 + Mr Ganick Lepid 007 (1L) x1 + Mr Ganick Organic SilWet (500ml) x1


Q: BST 是菌粉吗?Is BST a microbial powder?
A: 是的。Yes, it is.

Q: LEPID 007 是针对什么的?What is LEPID 007 for?
A: LEPID 007 是针对蛀心虫的有机虫药,同时也可以用于喷洒蛀果虫,蛀茎虫。LEPID 007 is an organic insecticide for controlling fruit borers and stem borers.

Q: 需要混跟黏油吗?Do I need to mix it with surfactant?
A: 可以混跟黏油,混入黏油可以让药更好的渗透。Yes, it can be mixed with surfactant. Mixing with surfactants helps the pesticide penetrate better.

Q: 刮树茎伤口需要刮到什么程度?How deep should I scrape tree stem wounds?
A: 刮掉伤口的树皮,有看到树身就可以开始涂刷了。Scrape off the bark of the wounded area until you see the tree's inner wood, then you can start applying.

Q: BST 还有其它用途吗?Does BST have other uses?
A: BST 还可以用于喷洒来进行病害的预防,也可定期喷洒在泥土,减少黑头病病菌的滋生。BST can also be used for disease prevention by spraying, and it can be regularly sprayed on the soil to reduce the growth of canker disease pathogens.